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          RSS Blog posts of '2024' 'August'

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          Picture for blog post AUGUST 2024 - WEEK 4 | 5 Best Bedtime Stories for a Good Night’s Sleep

          AUGUST 2024 - WEEK 4 | 5 Best Bedtime Stories for a Good Night’s Sleep

          Tuesday, August 27, 2024
          Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Dreamy Tales: 5 Best Bedtime Stories for a Good Night’s Sleep" Warm greetings to our cherished community of readers and dreamers! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. The tradition of bedtime storytelling is a magical experience, weaving a bond between storytellers and listeners while ushering children into a world of dreams with a sense of warmth and security. Here, we share five enchanting bedtime stories that promise to end your child's day on a note of peace and wonder.
          Picture for blog post AUGUST 2024 - WEEK 3 | 7 Ways to Use Stories in Teaching Values

          AUGUST 2024 - WEEK 3 | 7 Ways to Use Stories in Teaching Values

          Tuesday, August 20, 2024
          Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Moral Compass: 7 Ways to Use Stories in Teaching Values" Greetings, committed educators and parents! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. Stories are not just gateways to imaginary worlds; they are also powerful vehicles for teaching values. Here are seven ways you can use storytelling to impart important life lessons and values to children.
          Picture for blog post AUGUST 2024 - WEEK 2 | Top 5 Family Reading Night Ideas

          AUGUST 2024 - WEEK 2 | Top 5 Family Reading Night Ideas

          Tuesday, August 13, 2024
          Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Unite Through Stories: Top 5 Family Reading Night Ideas" Warm greetings to each and every family in our vibrant community! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. Embracing the tradition of reading together not only strengthens family bonds but also ignites a lifelong passion for literature in children. Here, we present five enchanting ideas to transform your family reading nights into magical, unforgettable experiences.
          Picture for blog post AUGUST 2024 - WEEK 1 | 6 Books to Celebrate Filipino Heritage Month

          AUGUST 2024 - WEEK 1 | 6 Books to Celebrate Filipino Heritage Month

          Tuesday, August 6, 2024
          Dear Friends of Learning is Fun, "Heritage in Pages: 6 Books to Celebrate Filipino Heritage Month" Warmest greetings, esteemed members of our Learning is Fun community! I'm Cecille Berces, President of WS Pacific Publications, Inc. As we welcome Filipino Heritage Month, it's a wonderful opportunity to dive deep into our roots and celebrate the rich tapestry of Filipino culture, history, and values through literature. Here are six books that beautifully embody our heritage, perfect for young readers and their families.
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